Hail historical record

Hail historical record shapefile. NOAA; National Weather Service; National Centers for Environmental Prediction; Storm Prediction Center; SVRGIS These files are an attempt to represent the data that is submitted to the Storm Data publication by National Weather Service field offices. Careful review of the data is conducted at the National Climate Data Center and the Storm Prediction Center

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Additional Information

Field Value
Last updated December 14, 2016
Created December 14, 2016
Format ZIP
License Other (Public Domain)
Is sample? False
createdover 8 years ago
on same domain1
package id975a95ec-19d8-4450-b257-32114c8882da
revision idfa16b8c7-9e24-4a8e-9ea8-641d867bf7c4
security typeopen
url typeupload