Geological Survey of Brazil - CPRM

CPRM was set up in 1969 with a mix of state and private ownership. With the onset of challenging circunstances in the nation, especially as of the second half of the 1980s, CPRM underwent deep-rooted institutional changes that culminated in Law number 8,970, of December 27, 1994, which made it entirely state owned. This changed things on a practical level because all private service provision ceased and the company took on its current role as the Nation’s Geological Survey. The focus shifted to basic geology and hydrology, with the concomitant development of different applications, such as environmental geology, hydrogeology and geological hazards. All corporate activities were halted and institutional partnerships with other federal, state and local government agencies became the order of the day. Today, we are about 1.700 professionals, of whom some 500 are geologists, hydrogeologists, hydrology engineers and mine engineers. A third hold a masters or doctoral degree. This body of highly specialized professionals, whose knowledge on Brazilian geology and hydrology is unmatched, is unquestionably our greatest asset.