The Biodiversity and Environmental Resource Data System of Belize -BERDS
The Biodiversity and Environmental Resource Data System of Belize (BERDS) is on hiatus. The more than 120,000 spatially enabled flora and fauna specimen records, still exist but now only as a private database which is still being maintained. Please contact us for details.
Based on popular demand, the Spatial Data Warehouse component has now been resurrected, in the interim. This data warehouse contains a number of baseline ArcGIS shapefiles that are of value to a wide variety of societal, planning, conservation and education initiatives.
These shapefiles are presented here as is. BERDS and its creators do not accept any responsibility for any shortcomings and/or errors in the data. Users need to decide for themselves whether the data is suitable for their purposes. Users are required to reference BERDS in any publications that they may produce.