Claims Accuracy & Acceleration.
Oasis - CAIMAN aims to develop an insurance software that can provide insight into drone imagery for loss and damage assessment after flood events. In this industrial research project, funded through Innovate UK's Transforming accountancy, insurance and legal services with AI and data competition, Oasis Hub and Cranfield University will collaborate to design and test a damage recognition system, using machine learning and artificial intelligence (A.I). This system aims to identify flood extent, flood depth, building impacts, infrastructure disruption, and debris, to calculate loss and damage after floods, as well as other important features identified by our focus groups, made up of insurance specialists. The system will also link to an app that collects information from people affected by flood.

The tool is intended to become a licensed software for the Insurance (loss adjustment and claims) and reinsurance sector (as a damage verification tool). This can be further developed as an emergency damage assessment and payment system after extreme events, as well as used to observe building and infrastructure damage.
Oasis-CAIMAN is innovative through its potential to provide highly accurate loss and damage information that can be rapidly compared against insurance claims and used for damage assessment by Insurance and other sectors but also has the potential to be an open system with claimants themselves. The system is intended to aid rapid and highly detailed assessments of large areas where extreme events have occurred. It can be used for domestic property, industrial or business insurance claims.

Discover Flood Extent
Using artificial intelligence, Oasis-CAIMAN will be the catalyst for faster claims processing.