
Webinar Series 2019 - #1: Catastrophe modelling tools: an open standard for assessing current and future risk. - Dickie Whitaker

Sept. 20, 2019
Webinar Replay! Webinar 1/6 - 8th Oct 2019

In our first webinar, the Oasis Hubs esteemed Chairman and CEO of Oasis LMF, Dickie Whitaker will be providing his knowledge and expertise through our first webinar @ 11 am BST 8th October 2019 – ‘Catastrophe modelling tools: an open standard for assessing current and future risk.’ 

Webinar 1/6
Date & Time
8th October – 11 am BST – 11.45 am BST
Duration: 41 mins
Webinar Topic:
Catastrophe modelling tools: an open standard for assessing current and future risk. 

  • What Oasis Loss modelling Framework is, and how it makes catastrophe modelling accessible both inside and outside the Insurance Industry.
  • What output do we need from models to make decisions on current and future risks including climate change?
  • How to start using these tools
Dickie Whitaker – Chief Executive @ Oasis Loss Modelling Framework

With over 30 years’ experience in the (Re)Insurance business and for the past 20 years Dickie has specialised in risk and innovation and linking academia, government and finance. Dickie has written and presented extensively on these subjects and operated globally having worked in both London and New York. He Co-founded and works for The Lighthill Risk Network, FiNexus Ltd, Oasis Palm Tree Ltd, The Oasis Hub and Oasis Loss Modelling Framework Ltd. He provides advisory roles to UK’s Satellite Applications Advisory Board, ExpertGroup for the Global Risk Assessment Framework (GRAF), UNISDR and Cabot Institute advisory board.
This webinar series is a result of work under the Oasis Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assesment Project.
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 730381
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