Supporting better decision-making around flood risk management - Watch the webinar
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The second Oasis Hub autumn webinar saw David Martin, Chief Technical Officer at Ambiental Risk demonstrate FloodFutures®, a flood map presenting a UK view of how predicted climate scenarios will modify flooding regimes. The tool offers the user a view of present-day flood hazard alongside three climate change scenarios which describe the range of possible outcomes up until the 2080s.
Katie Smith, Technical Manager at Ambiental Analytics, provided an overview of EuroFloodScore and provide insights into how the product is used in several European countries. Available as a full or partial database, or as spatial layers, it quantifies the likelihood of an individual property being flooded due to rainfall, overflowing rivers or tidal surges, helping you to assess risk at that location. It uses Ambiental’s advanced flood modelling techniques, and integrates the most complete and up-to-date flood and building stock data available. It also incorporates the most current hydrology data and complete IfSAR coverage for the pertaining country.
Dr Rubini Santha, Lead Catastrophe Modeler gave a presentation on FloodCat™, a property-level precision flood catastrophe model. Built for the reinsurance industry and available ready for use in the Oasis Loss Modelling Framework it incorporates data from Ambiental’s FloodMap and FloodScore datasets to provide a consistent view of risk across datasets.
Watch the recording of the webinar below or try the tools discussed
- FloodFutures:
The next webinar is in a fortnight on Monday 19 October. Previsico will present their flood forecasting technology, demonstrating how the tool has helped insurers and the government mitigate flood impacts this summer. He will also reflect on Previsico's work transforming flood underwriting and claims processes. Register here.
Watch previous flood webinars and register for upcoming flood webinars