
Webinar Series 2019 - #5: Typhoon Climate Services - Prof. Ralf Toumi

Oct. 24, 2019
Webinar Replay! Webinar 5/6
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The 5th Oasis Hub Community Webinar series was presented by Ralf Toumi, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at Imperial College London.  

Webinar 5/6
Date & Time
: Tuesday 
12th November 2019 @ 11am GMT (12pm CET)
Duration: 45 minutes

Webinar Topic: Typhoon Climate Services

  • A new catalog and properties of Typhoons
  • An innovation: a new TC event generator without tracks.
  • Seasonal and climate change forecasts
Ralf Toumi, Professor of Atmospheric Physics @ Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Toumi was awarded his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge on stratospheric ozone under the supervision of Prof. John Pyle, FRS. He was then appointed a temporary lecturer in the Chemistry Department in Cambridge and a Fellow in Physical Chemistry at Christ's College Cambridge. He moved to the Physics Department at Imperial College and joined the Space and Atmospheric Physics group as a Lecturer in 1994. He was promoted to Professor of Atmospheric Physics in 2005 and since 2014 is Head of the Space and Atmospheric Physics Group. He was awarded the Phillip Leverhulme Prize for "scholars of outstanding distinction" (2002), a Merit Award by Imperial College for outstanding achievement in research (2004), a Royal Society Industry Fellowship with BP (2006-2010) and a NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship (2009-2012). He was Co-chair of Adaptation Services in the Climate KIC (2013-2015) and advises BP Plc on how to adapt to the physical impacts of climate change. He was founding director of OASIS LMF Ltd which is promoting open access catastrophe modelling for the insurance sector and others. OASIS was also the basis of a 5 year Europe wide Climate KIC (Euro 4M) project he led.  He has co-authored and reviewed many international reports such as WMO Ozone Assessments, SPARC, and IPCC Reports. He has served on the ESA mission advisory group and the European Commission Climate Services Road Map group. He is a member of the extended science team of the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS). He has supervised 33 Ph.D. students to completion and has published extensively covering a wide range of topics in climate science (139 papers; 3500+ citations; H-Index=34).
This webinar series is a result of work under the Oasis Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assesment Project.
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 730381
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