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Global - Surface Water 1984 to 2020 - European Commission
The Global surface water dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2020 and provides statistics on the extent and change of... -
Global - Water Stress Country Ranking - World Resources Institute
Based on the global water-risk indicators from World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (Aqueduct), a weighted aggregation methodology was applied to bring... -
Global - Water Stress - World Resources Institute
With the goal of producing information for decadal-scale planning, adaptation, and investment, the Aqueduct Water Stress Projections model potential changes in future demand and... -
Delaware - New Castle County Sea Level Rise Collection 2018 - New Castle County
The rising and spreading of water over normally dry land is referred to as inundation. Scientists from Delaware Coastal Programs used a simple model to develop maps to show the... -
Global - Standardised Precipitation - Evapotranspiration Index - Spanish Nati...
The Global SPEI database, SPEIbase, offers long-time, robust information about drought conditions at the global scale, with a 0.5 degrees spatial resolution and a monthly time... -
Antigua, Barbuda and Nevis - Drought Hazard Map - OAS
Drought hazard assessments have been completed for Antigua, Barbuda and Nevis. Both Technical and Summary reports on these hazard assessment are available by country and maps... -
Mexico - Drought Vulnerability Map of Mexican Municipalities - Mexico Nationa...
Municipalities vulnerability to drought is calculated from the analysis of social, economic and environmental vulnerability with 24 indicators using the methodology of the... -
Brazil - Historical Drought Events 2003 to 2015 - ANA
The accounting of the municipality by drought events used as a primary source of data the emergency declaration and ordinance a state of emergency, issued by municipalities,... -
Brazil - Critical drought events 2014 - ANA
Critical drought events in the municipalities of Brazil in 2014 Data on the incidence of extreme events in Brazil come from the records of the National Secretariat of Civil... -
Bolivia - Municipality of Caquiaviri Water Vulnerability Map , 2012 - GeoBolivia
The map presents the degree of vulnerability to water availability in the Municipality of Caquiaviri, that is, the set of limitations that make a community more or less exposed... -
Bolivia - Municipality of Waldo Ballivian Water Vulnerability Map , 2012 - Ge...
The map presents the degree of vulnerability to water availability in the Municipality of Waldo Ballivian , that is, the set of limitations that make a community more or less... -
Bolivia - Municipality of Batallas Water Vulnerability Map , 2012 - GeoBolivia
The map presents the degree of vulnerability to water availability in the Municipality of Batallas, that is, the set of limitations that make a community more or less exposed to... -
Bolivia - Municipality of Patacamaya Water Vulnerability Map , 2012 - GeoBolivia
The map presents the degree of vulnerability to water availability in the Municipality of Patacamaya, that is, the set of limitations that make a community more or less exposed... -
Bolivia - Municipality of Achacachi Water Vulnerability Map , 2012 - GeoBolivia
The map presents the degree of vulnerability to water availability in the Municipality of Achacachi , that is, the set of limitations that make a community more or less exposed... -
Bolivia - Municipality of Charaña Water Vulnerability Map , 2012 - GeoBolivia
The map presents the degree of vulnerability to water availability in the Municipality of Charaña, that is, the set of limitations that make a community more or less exposed to...