The top 20 Oasis Hub downloads, tools and services (so far) in 2020
June 1, 2020
Here's what Oasis Hub members have been most interested in - downloading and using - from January to the end of May 2020
As always if there are data, tools are services you'd like to see on the Oasis HUB, or you have some you'd like to share, either free or commercially, drop us a line at
- Bangladesh - Tropical Cyclone Historical Catalogue - Met Office
- Global - Agroclimatic indicators from 1951 to 2099 (MIROC-ESM-CHEM Model, JAMSTEC, Japan) - Copernicus Climate Change Service
- Africa - Daily Rainfall Estimates 2.0 - Climate Prediction Center NOAA
- Seasonal Typhoon Forecast - Imperial College London
- Global - Flood Hazard Map 50 year return period - European Commission
- Europe - Exposure data for BN-FLEMO models - GFZ
- Europe - Stochastic Windstorm Generator "FastStormMaker" - Laboratoire des sciences du climat et environment
- OasisLMF-compliant Future Danube Catastrophe Model: Fluvial and pluvial flooding
- Europe - Urban Atlas Building Height 2012 - Copernicus Land Monitoring Service
- Global - The Significant Volcanic Eruption Database - NGDC
- USA - Historical Tornado Tracks - SPC NOAA
- NDC Explorer
- Fluvial flood data for German Danube Basin with future climate scenarios - GFZ
- Historical Flooding UK - Open Data UK
- California - Fire Hazard Severity Zones - Cal Fire
- GADAS - Global Agricultural & Disaster Assessment System - USDA
- Delft3D - Deltares
- Global Landslide Model - 2017 - Nasa Open Data
- Germany - German Danube Catchment Residential Flood Loss - GFZa
- Netherlands, Groningen - Exposure Dataset Sample - Risk-related Features Automatically Derived from Street-Level Images - Ticinum Aerospace