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Seasonal Climate Forecasts, Re-Climate® API
Re-Climate® supplies reliable seasonal climate forecasts to prepare for extended weather hazards and to manage acute physical risk over operational timescales. Subscriptions are... -
Global - Simplified Seismic Hazard Map - GEM
Simplified version of the GEM Global Seismic Hazard map. The Global Seismic Hazard Map (version 2019.1) simplified version comprises a single global, vector point data layer... -
Europe - Flood Footprints July 2021 - JBA Risk Management
Please Note: This data is free to download but you must request access by clicking 'Get Price', providing your name, email and institution/organisation. In the aftermath of the... -
Malaysia - Flood Hazard Map - Fathom
The Fathom global flood hazard data provides an overview of flood hazard across a range of return periods in the form of 3 arcsecond (~90 m) resolution flood maps. The data is... -
Global - Fathom-Global Version 2 - Fathom
Fathom have just released their new global flood hazard data. Taking 18 months to develop using the best global terrain and river network data and the latest published flood... -
United Kingdom (exc. Northern Ireland) - Social Flood Vulnerability Index (NF...
The Neighbourhood Flood Vulnerability Index (NFVI) provides insight into the social vulnerability of a neighbourhood should a flood occur. The NFVI combines the five... -
France - Hail Falls Database - Ubyrisk Consultants
Georeferenced Hail fall database> 1 cm in diameter by town in France since 2000. This database was created from the detections carried out by our Hail Warning France tool.... -
Global - NATDIS: Natural Disasters Database - Ubyrisk Consultants
NATDIS database is the most complete database about natural disasters in the world. Our database describes precisely more than 18100 natural disasters occurred in the world... -
Global - RiskFP: Wildfire Hazard Modelling Platform - ARIA Technologies
RiskFP is a geospatial web-based modeling platform developed to support both forest managers and forest insurance actors in managing the vulnerability of their assets/portfolios... -
Future Danube Fluvial Flood for the Entire Basin – Potsdam Institute for Clim...
Full dataset availability covers all of the Danube Basin. This is a dataset available for purchase under license. If you are interested in the wider dataset please contact us... -
Europe - E3Pviz - ARIA Technologies
Extreme Events for Energy Providers Visualisation (E3Pviz) is a user-friendly, web map service providing information on future climate scenarios. The E3Pviz tool visualises... -
France - State of Natural Disaster Database - Ubyrisk Consultants
This database lists all the decrees promulgating the state of Natural Disaster in France since 1982 per towns for the natural peril include in the compensation law for claims... -
Global - SaferPlaces - GecoSistema
SaferPlaces is an innovative climate service developed within the EIT Climate-KIC funded project, in particular consists of a cloud web platform for cost-effective mapping of... -
United Kingdom Historical Rainfall Digital Maps from 1866 to 1968 - Hydro-GIS
The British Rainfall Digital Archive (BRDA) was compiled in 2007-8 by Hydro-GIS Ltd as part of the NERC project with Oxford University, “Quantifying Flood Risk of Extreme Events... -
Global - FloodMap Live - Previsico
Previsico is a flood forecasting and warning company which spun out of Loughborough University in 2019 following twenty years of research and development led by Professor Yu.... -
Europe - SmartFLOOD - GecoSistema
SmartFLOOD is an innovative Artificial Intelligence Cloud-Web platform developed to drastically reduce cost and processing time in mapping Fluvial Flood Hazard at large-scales... -
Global - SmartFLOOD - GecoSistema
SmartFLOOD is an innovative Artificial Intelligence Cloud-Web platform developed to drastically reduce cost and processing time in mapping Fluvial Flood Hazard at large-scales... -
United Kingdom - Historical Flood Database - Hydro-GIS Ltd
The UK Flood History Database accompanies the British Rainfall Digital Archive (BRDA) to provide a catalogue of UK inland flooding events over the archive period of 1860 – 1968... -
Scandinavia - Historical Flood Database - Hydro-GIS Ltd
The Scandinavian Historical Flooding Database is a comprehensive archive of historical inland flooding in Norway and Sweden from the year 1345 to the present day. It covers... -
Global - Kinetic Energy Cyclone Catalogue - Imperial College
Full dataset available This is a dataset available for purchase under license. If you are interested in the wider dataset please contact us through the purple price on...